Thursday, November 26, 2009

The BIG move!!!!

Grandma Suzanne made a big change in her life and moved to Palm Springs, something she has wanted to do for many years. She was recently let go from her job and a beautiful and super affordable home became available and she could not pass it up. We are all so happy for her but the only problem is she hurt her back a few weeks ago and landed herself in the hospital and was not able to move herself. Thankfully Bruce has been working in town and was able to get mom packed up and moved with no problems. Macy and I made  a trip down on moving day to help get mom settled in and all the basics taken care of so she could rest and recover. She is going to have to take one day at a time and know that she will get herself set up just the way she likes it even if it is one box a week :) Good luck mom with your new home and new life! The best move you could have ever made and thanks Macy for being such a big helper!!!!

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