Thursday, November 26, 2009

Cheese anyone?

Thanksgiving Dinner

This was the first year of many that we did not split the day up between the Castillo's and the Ostermann's. We sure did miss Nana and Pops and the entire gang! We did however have an amazing dinner with Grandma and Grandpa, cousins, aunts and uncles, and friends. I did not get enough pictures this year and the ones I did get were fuzzy!!! The girls kept me super busy while papa enjoyed a much needed break. We came home stuffed and I came home with a super caffeine buzz, yikes!!!! Thank you to Grandma Kay that put in so much hard work...everything was wonderful!

Try, try again!!!

Out first attempt at Christmas Card photos this year. Maybe we will try again next weekend :)

The BIG move!!!!

Grandma Suzanne made a big change in her life and moved to Palm Springs, something she has wanted to do for many years. She was recently let go from her job and a beautiful and super affordable home became available and she could not pass it up. We are all so happy for her but the only problem is she hurt her back a few weeks ago and landed herself in the hospital and was not able to move herself. Thankfully Bruce has been working in town and was able to get mom packed up and moved with no problems. Macy and I made  a trip down on moving day to help get mom settled in and all the basics taken care of so she could rest and recover. She is going to have to take one day at a time and know that she will get herself set up just the way she likes it even if it is one box a week :) Good luck mom with your new home and new life! The best move you could have ever made and thanks Macy for being such a big helper!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Just Silly!

Happy Birthday Kay and Brad!

Thanks to Lori for putting together a super fun Birthday celebration for Kay and Brad. The dinner she cooked was super delicious and those coasters were super fun!!!! Not too sure we will let the girls eat caffeinated cake agian...they were freaking out the entire ride home and fell asleep just as we were pulling into our driveway, eeeek! Happy Birthday Kay and Brad :)

Halloween Night!

Our Halloween festivities just don't seem to end. Halloween morning we were invited to yet another pumpkin patch with our friends Val, Stu and Johnny. The girls had a blast in the gigantic jumper and Macy loved getting a little creative with the sand art :) Johnny was super cute in his penguin costume!

After the pumpkin patch we headed over to the new mall for some bath toys and ended up going Trick-or-Treating throughout the mall. It was so perfect. After a total sugar rush we landed in Target and spent a small fortune on new toys for the girls. Like they need anything more, YIKES!

Halloween night we dressed the girls wagon with lights and music. Amanda, Randy and London joined us for more Trick-or-Treating on Rialto. The girls were a big hit and Remy was hilarious. Every time she would receive a treat she would blow kisses, SO CUTE!!!!! Macy was not too sure about all the spooky houses but with a little help from Papa she managed to fill her bag with treats.

Not sure what happened to Remy but Sunday morning she woke up with a horrible rash all over her body. We are pretty sure it was sugar over load. Remy ate more candy Halloween night than she has eaten in her entire life. OOPS! But we had a great time and all is well. Can't wait for next year but happy to end the Halloween festivities for this year :)

School Party and Lunch

It was so cute seeing all of Macy and Remy's school friends dressed up. There are some pretty creative people among us :) LUV it! Remy of course had to be up front and center...she loves the attention :)

Pumpkin Carving

Halloween is not complete without Pumpkin carving. The girls loved pulling out all the goop :)