This trip to Lake Tahoe was the second for the girls. Wow, what a year makes. Last year was easy!!!!
Thankfully the girls did great and we got through the flight and the airports without any problems. Well actually the security check point in Tahoe coming home was interesting. We have flown four times with the girls and never had a problem This time we had to have every bag inspected including the milk. They were suspicious of all the bottles (4). Hello....we need two going up and two coming down......HELLO, we have TWINS. You would think we could of got off with a little sympathy, lol!!!
Despite the airlines we had a great visit. Mamasita and Pops stopped at the best bakery in Bishop on the way up and bought enough bread to feed an army...okay, four adults for four days. I have NEVER put on so much weight in such a short amount of time in my life, thanks Louise :)
The girls had the best time exploring the condo and hiding the remote. Never heard back if it was ever found.
It is so beautiful in Tahoe and the weather was amazing. The first day was a little chilly but after that it was absolute perfect.
We really want to thank Mamasita and Pops for a great weekend. We had a blast and we know the girls did too!!!
Thank you!!!!!
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