Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Got Fleas?

What a weekend!!!! If you have ever had fleas you know what a pain it is to get rid of them. The infestation seemed to happen over night. One day we were in and the next day we were out. Thankfully we were able to crash our Henton friends house Friday night and Nana and Pops house Saturday night. Thank you , thank you, thank you!!!

We had to bomb the house twice and ended up calling FleaBusters! Turns out this is the worst year in 20 years for fleas. It has been reported that even if you treat your animals with Advantage and Frontline it is a crap shoot. Nothing really seems to work like it did and it doesn't help when you have opossums living under your house. The humidity levels have also been through the roof in the beach communities and we have been hit the hardest. Some of my friends don't even have pets and they are dealing with this issue too!

I got some great advice from the FleaBusters people. They recommend using Avon Skin So Soft Body Oil to keep the fleas off you and your little ones. They also recommend women boost up there vitamin B intake. Apparently women tend to be a little more deficient than men. Another great product they recommend for babies is Water Babies sunscreen. We have been using the sunscreen and it seems to be working great for now. We should be totally flea free in a few days after they run their cycle!!!

It has been really hard having your house invaded and feeling totally displaced. Next year we will make sure we do more in preventative maintenance because no one should know this much about these disgusting little creatures!!!!!

Despite all the craziness we had some great visits with family and friends and in the end that is all that matters :)

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