I did it and with help from a lot of people!!! I was amazed at all the people that helped me participate in this walk. I want to start by thanking all of you because I would not be able to share this experience without you :)
What a great cause for an awful disease. I read and heard so many amazing stories during the walk! Many times it was hard to hold back the tears. So many people have been affected and we are still so far it seems to a solution. My blisters and sore muscles pale in comparison to what these cancer people and families have gone through. I will do this walk again next year and I will push harder and longer for more support! Watch out family and friends, lol!!!!
I have so much to share about the walk it is hard to find a starting point. I will start with the pics so they make sense when you look at them. The pics of Mike and the girls sleeping is the morning of the first walk, 5am. I had to have pics of the family with me so I could peek at them every so often to boost me up :) I love my family!
The first 10 miles seemed to fly by and I thought for sure I could at least make it until the 20 miles marker. My girlfriend Jennifer that came on this journey with me was great inspiration and kept us moving. We had some funny times like the crazy Santa cheering us on and quite moments as your walking past slower walkers and reading on their shirts why they are walking. Lots of survivors and lots of daughters. We actually met a male med student that has no one to walk for but wanted to walk to help raise awareness. Lots of men on the walk and lots of cheerleaders that for what ever the reason couldn't walk. We had one young lady that parked off the side of the road and would play some great tunes and dance for you as you went by. She was alone but motivated to keep you going, she did it for two days and was having the time of her life. We had a cowboy dance on top of his car to keep the ladies in good spirits!!!!! We made it to the 20 miles marker and I knew it was time to call it a day. Jennifer kept going for us and we cheered her on as she came through the finish line at the Wellness camp! Way to Go!!!
I walked 20 miles day one and the full 13 miles the second day. It was a great experience and I can't wait to do it all over again next year ;)
Thank you Mike and Mamasita for bringing the girls out to cheer me on. I know they can be a HANDFUL right now, it means the world to me! And a BIG thank you to my friend Jennifer that stayed with me through the event! xoxo :)
check out the pics here:
Oh and one more thing that needs a little explaining...
If you have not already looked at the pictures you will notice a little misspelling. I don't recommend writing anything at 5am. It was not brought to my attention until half way through the first days walk that I forgot to put the "R" at the end of "cancer" on my dedication label. So Jennifer and I got to talking and maybe instead for calling "cancer, cancer" we start qualifying it is "Canoe" because that is what I wrote! I kinda like that..."I walk for everyone dealing with Canoe", sounds much better and it a great conversation starter, lol!!!!!
This walk was dedicated to everyone dealing with CANCER!!!