What an amazing event this year! I trained hard and it all payed off in the end. I was able to reach my goal of going the entire distance of 26 miles on Saturday. I must have really been walking fast because I ended up #176 to reach the Wellness Center out of 2000 walkers.
After a little trip to the Medical Center to heal my wounds and a little bit of dizziness, Mike and I decided I had met my goal and I should should be proud of my accomplishment and head home for some much needed rest and ice soak.
It was amazing having Mike meet me at the finish line, I had him come solo since I knew I would need all his help. I missed the girls a lot but along the path I picked up lots of little keepsakes for them and it helped push me along.
Going alone this year was a little intimidating at first but right from the start I met some really wonderful women. The first lady Lucy, was walking not for breast cancer but for her father that passed of colon cancer a few years ago. The second lady I met was a cancer survivor and cancer free for 6 months, first time walker and solo. The third solo walker was another cancer survivor, cancer free for 11 months and first time walker. The woman who came across the finish line with me had made a commitment to do 8 walks a year. She must have been in her mid to late sixties and has no personal experience with cancer, she just loves the cause....an amazing woman!!!!!
So many stories of survival, perseverance, dedication, endurance and passion for the cause. I am glad to announce that I am already signed up for next year in Santa Barbara. I can't wait to do it all again :)
Thank you to everyone that supported my efforts in this years walk :) I love you!