Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Learning "Fish Lip"

What better way to show a fish that you love him! 

Remy has the fish"kisses" down but Macy is still figuring it out, she will get it soon :) 

Welcome home little fish!

We shall call you Kinney! A good fit with Chris and Sylvio :) 

The girls got a new little friend over the weekend and have been really good at feeding him and talking to him. He really seems to be enjoying his new home and it is really nice to have him, we love him! 


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby vs Vaseline

Yep, you guessed it...this is one of about thirty attempts to get vaseline out of Remy's hair and the vaseline is winning! Tonight Remy is getting a dish soap scrub down and hopefully that will do the trick. The corn starch is just not soaking it up, the greaser look is getting old!

How could this happen...

Bedtime + toddlers in toddler beds + run of the room + crafty climbing + tub of vaseline = total disaster! 

About 9pm Sunday night I went in to check on the twins, usually asleep by that time and out pops Remy from behind the curtains fully covered head to toe with vaseline. Lets not even talk about everthing else in the room that was covered, no surface was untouched. Thankfully Macy was asleep while Remy had her way with the goo!  Papa had a full day of clean up Monday and I am sure it will not be the last :) 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cousins Rock!!!

Having cousins so close reminds me of when I was growing up with my cousins. We had so many great adventures and the memories will live on forever. I can't wait for Macy and Remy to have those same experiences with their cousins and I think this weekend was one of those great memories. SO MUCH FUN!!!! Thanks :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The First Day of the Rest of Mike's Life

"Let's Celebrate" was the theme our our latest party. It was important for us to let Mike know that his family totally supports him in his pursuit of his dreams. 

Mike is on to bigger and better things since he was let go from Laser Pacific, a job that I was happy to see him leave and on his last day we put on a little party to celebrate the break.  

We love you baby and are here for you every step of the way!!!! You can do it :)