Why buy toys when you have a box? It can be a push cart, car, table, hideout, drum, kissing booth, toy chest, stepping stool, slide, teether, door jam and most important...a good laugh when mommy trips over it and falls on her bottom! Oh the joys of motherhood have hit hard, literally :) There is not one bruise or cut on my body that does not have a good crash and burn story behind it.
Despite all the twists, stabs, scratches, pinches, bites we are having a blast watching them change and grow every second of the day....and sometimes the night, lol!!!! The best part of the day are the sweet little kisses all over the face...their new favorite thing to do, so cute!!!!
Remy is just about walking and has taken a few steps on her own here and there. Macy is still pretty comfortable on the floor as you can see. I think once Macy sees her sister movin about she will get a little more motivated. Remy has also taken to climbing everything, nothing is safe!