Monday, April 21, 2008


We made it back with sanity in tack! We had a great and extremely exhausting trip to Honolulu, Waikiki with the girls. Crazy? ahhhhhh yes!!!! Don't think we will be doing that again in the near future....I think both our bodies will need about 5 years to recover!

It was so beautiful and so much fun seeing a little bit of Mikes history. He lived there for three years and was able to really give us a great journey and we had so much fun visiting with his old friends. They were so nice to take us out for a date night yachet race w/out the girls Thursday night and again for a cruise with the girls on Sunday. Macy & Remy did really well but Remy got a little sick toward the end of the ride. Attached is a funny pic of them taking a little nap, the motion put them out!

We had a great baby sitter through the hotel and had her come sit for three nights so Mike and I could actual relax and enjoy each other :)

We did just about eveything the island has to offer...snorkeling, sailing, swimming, shopping, eating, site seeing. We even caught the tail end of the Jack Johnson and Dave Mathews concert.

We look forward to sharing more details of the trip when we see you :)

Here is a link to more photos...
password: Hawaii08

Monday, April 7, 2008

First Meeting with Aunty

Grandma Kay and Aunty Beth came out for visit and the girls had so much fun playing with Aunty Beth. Remy kept Grandma Kay on her toes now that she is getting more mobile. Aunty Beth looked amazing in her size 6 jeans!!!!!!! I think we have all lost track on how many pounds she has lost...way to go girl!!!!! We send Grandma Kay all our best this Thursday and want her to know she is in our prayers and in our hearts :)

Its time to Ride!

We have been waiting for this moment since the girls were born. We just got our bike trailer today and Mike could not wait another minute to get the girls strapped in and out on the bike path. They loved it for about 10 minutes and then discovered that they could actually bug each other. When they are in their stroller there is a divider between them and they are more supervised. In the trailer it is all about them...all alone to bite, scratch, poke, name it it was happening. But I am happy to report that we all made it home safely from our inaugural ride and we plan on going out again tomorrow :)